Insights: The Cutting Edge of Advertising

Ad industry thought leaders discuss creativity, business trends and how technology is revolutionizing advertising.

Mark Tungate
by Mark Tungate on 10 January 2024
Prediction is a tricky business. Nonetheless, this year’s predictions are bubbling to the surface and, as usual, we feel it’s our duty to share some of them with you.  read more

India Fizer
by India Fizer on 19 December 2023
With the rapid evolution of technology, the adoption of AI tools in advertising has opened the door for new opportunities, as well as new challenges. Checking in with industry experts, we asked agencies their predictions on how the deployment of AI will evolve next year in advertising and marketing. read more

Mark Tungate
by Mark Tungate on 14 December 2023
Once upon a time, the festive season was a purely analogue affair. Logs on the fire, gifts under the tree. Today, of course, it’s taken on some digital aspects...Here are a few innovative and digital projects with a sprinkle of tinsel. read more

India Fizer
by India Fizer on 28 November 2023
Inequality in healthcare and personalized health services for marginalized groups is a prevalent issue that many agencies have been trying to tackle. We are taking a look at campaigns and initiatives that open the conversation for DEI in healthcare advertising. read more

Mark Tungate
by Mark Tungate on 15 November 2023
Whether they’re referred to as “teens” or Generation Z, their world can seem opaque to brands, whose efforts to reach them sometimes fall wide of the mark. BETC Fullsix delved into Gen Z’s attitudes and media consumption. Here are ten points we found compelling. read more

Mark Tungate
by Mark Tungate on 14 November 2023
Screens are an easy diversion. Our smartphones sit beside us throughout the day: at work, at mealtimes, in the evening. Picking up a book or visiting a museum feels increasingly like an effort. But bookstores, libraries and cultural institutions are fighting back – often, ironically, using digital media. read more

Mark Tungate
by Mark Tungate on 23 October 2023
Eurostar has been whisking passengers under the Channel (or as the French call it, “La Manche”) since 1994. Now it's in renewal mode, with a refreshed brand identity and a lyrical advertising campaign.  read more

Mark Tungate
by Mark Tungate on 11 October 2023
As a season, autumn has its fans, particularly if they get a kick out of Halloween. The annual fright fest is a favourite with brands, which is hardly surprising: in the US alone, last year consumers spent 3.1 billion dollars on candy during the Halloween period... read more

India Fizer
by India Fizer on 10 October 2023
When it comes to mental health, the first step to healing is talking, and getting started can be the hardest part. In honor of World Mental Health Day, we are talking a look at campaigns from the ACT Responsible collection that champion self-care and mental health resources. read more

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